chase. You must also follow proper operation
procedures and adhere to the care and mainte-
nance procedures set for th in this manual. Be
sure to read your boat’ s warranty, as well as the
information and w arranties (provided in your
owner’s portfolio) for major components. Y ou
are responsible for notifying your dealer in writ-
ing of an y claimed defect within a reasonable
period of time and retur ning your boat to your
dealer for ser vice.
Your dealer has been carefully selected to
assist you with your sales and ser
vice needs.
Your dealer will be glad to answ er any of your
questions about your ne w boat. The dealer has
a direct interest in you as a customer and w ants
to see that you are completely satisfied with
your purchase. The dealer is in the best position
to help you and has full suppor t and assistance
from Wellcraft Marine.
If, for an y reason, you are dissatisfied with the
services performed by your dealer , we suggest
that you discuss the matter with the ser
manager. The ser vice manager is responsible for
the quality of ser vice being perfor med and has a
direct interest in your satisfaction. If the matter
is complicated and cannot be resolved to your
satisfaction by the ser vice manager, we suggest
that you talk to the general manager or owner . In
most cases a compromise can be reached.
If the matter cannot be resolved b y the dealer-
ship to your satisfaction, contact the W
Marine Customer Ser vice Department by calling
(941) 753-7811 or b y writing to:
Wellcraft Marine Cor p.
Customer Ser vice Depar tment
1651 Whitfield A venue
Sarasota, FL 34243
Have the following information available:
• HIN (hull identification number)
• Selling dealer’s name and location
• Date of purchase
• Ser vicing dealer (if different from selling
• Nature of problem
• Names of dealer ship personnel involved
with the situation
• Record of ser vice performed and approxi-
mate dates
When contacting W ellcraft Marine, k eep in
mind that your problem will most lik ely be
resolved at the dealer ship, using the dealer-
ship’s facilities, equipment, and per sonnel.
Some manufacturers of components such as the
engine and AM/FM stereo supply their own
instruction manuals which are included in your
water-resistant “Impor tant Ship’s Papers.” The
information in the component instr uction manu-
als may be different from the infor mation in this
manual because of product impro vements. If you
notice a discrepancy , ALWAYS FOLLOW THE
Additionally, the supplier s of these products
maintain their own manufacturer’ s warranty and
service facilities. T o register your owner ship, fill
out and mail each w arranty card. Use your
Owner’s Portfolio to retain instr uctions and data
on additional equipment or accessories installed
after deliver y.
Operation, maintenance and
safety information is outlined b y the manufac-
turer of most installed equipment. Proper ly
operating and maintaining the equipment on
your boat will help you to enjo y many years of
SAFE boating .
At the end of this chapter are se
veral forms
which you will find ver y helpful.
Use the
Boat Data Record
to record all impor-
tant information about your boats and the major
components installed. After you ha ve entered all
the data, remo ve this for m from your Owner’ s
Manual and store in a safe place.
Do not
this for m aboard your boat.
Float Plan
provides a record of your desti-
nation, depar ture and retur n times, boat
description, passenger list, and other infor ma-
tion about the trip you ha ve planned. At the
bottom of the for m is space for listing emer-
gency telephone number s in case your retur n is
delayed past the expected time. It also has
space for indicating infor mation about the per-
son filing this repor t. Leave the completed for m
ashore with a responsible per son. We recom-
mend you make several copies of this for m each
boating season to assure an ample supply .
Fuel Log
is a handy w ay to record infor ma-
tion covering engine hour s, fuel consumption,
miles traveled, as w ell as RPM (re volutions per
minutes), Average mph (miles per hour), and
gph (gallons per hour).