Improper towing can result in per sonal injury
and equipment damage. F amiliarize yourself
with proper towing procedures before taking
your boat out on the road.
Improper trailering is a major cause of hull dam-
age. Your boat’s warranty does not co ver this
type of damage. Ha ve your dealer assist you
when selecting the appropriate trailer for your
The published w eight is the dr y
weight of your boat. Dr y weight does not include
the weights of outboard motor s, batteries, gaso-
line, any optional items, gear or trailer s. The
weight of these items must be added to the dr y
weight to deter mine the proper trailer GVWR
needed. On boats equipped with ster n drive
engines, the dr y weight includes the w eight of
the standard engine. If your boat is equipped
with a larger than standard engine, you must
allow for this added w eight.
If your boat does not come with a trailer pack-
age, selection of a trailer is extremely
important. Your trailer should be able to accom-
modate the w eight of the boat, engine, full fuel
tank and any other equipment that will nor mally
be carried. Check the cer tification label on the
frame of the trailer for the Gross V ehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR). The total w eight of your boat,
engine, fuel, gear and trailer should not exceed
the GVWR.
The side suppor ts should only be
tight enough to k eep the boat from leaning side
to side. An y unnecessar y pressure ma y damage
the hull.
Always use bow and ster n tie downs to pre vent
the boat from shifting . Do not put other gear in
your boat while trailering .
If your towing vehicle is equipped with a w eight
distribution hitch, it must be capable of han-
dling the GVWR. The w eight on the trailer should
be evenly distributed and can be check ed by
determining the tongue w eight.
Tongue weight is a percentage of the total
weight of the loaded trailer on its tongue. Ideal
tongue weight is not less than five percent (5%)
and not more than ten percent (10%) of the
GVWR. For example, if the w eight of the loaded
trailer is 3000 pounds, the w eight on the
tongue should be more than 150 pounds, but
less than 300 pounds. Excessive tongue w eight
will cause the front end of the towing vehicle to
sway. Insufficient tongue w eight will cause the
trailer to sw ay or fishtail.
To avoid personal injury and proper ty damage,
be sure to balance the load when trailering
. If
too much w eight rests on the hitch, the front
end of the vehicle will sw ay or oversteer. Insuffi-
cient weight on the trailer will cause the trailer
to fishtail. In either case, the vehicle will be
hard to handle and could become uncontrollable
at high speeds.
State regulations usually require that trailer s
above a specified w eight rating be equipped
with brakes. Requirements var y; check with your
dealer for additional infor mation.
Hitches are divided into classes that specify the
gross trailer weight (GTW) and maximum tongue
weight for each class. Alw ays use a hitch with
the same class number as the trailer . Most boat
trailers connect to a ball hitch that is bolted or
welded to the towing vehicle. Special hea vy-duty
equalizing hitches are necessar y for trailer
tongue weights of 350 pounds or greater .
Trailering – 6
The total weight of your loaded trailer
must not exceed the capacity marker
on the hitch of your tow vehicle. Over-
loading can cause hitch failure leading
to injury-causing accidents.
The total weight of the trailer, boat and
gear must not exceed the GVWR of the
trailer. Overloading can lead to injury,
causing accidents.
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