The Federal Water Pollution Control Act prohibits
the discharge of oil or oily w aste into or upon
the navigable waters of the United States or the
waters of the contiguous zone if such discharge
causes a film or sheen upon or a discoloration
of the surface of the w ater or causes a sludge
or emulsion beneath the surface of the w
Violators are subject to a penalty of $5,000.
Plastic refuse dumped in the w ater can kill fish
and marine wildlife and can foul boat propeller
and cooling w ater intakes. Other for ms of w ater-
borne garbage can litter our beaches and mak
people sick. U.S. Coast Guard regulations pro-
hibit the dumping of plastic refuse or other
garbage mixed with plastic into the w ater any-
where, and restrict the dumping of other for ms of
garbage within specified distances from shore.
Boats 26 feet or longer must displa y a sign stat-
ing the disposal regulations of the F ederal
Water Pollution Control Act. The U.S. Coast
Guard has issued these regulations to imple-
ment Annex V of the Inter national Convention
for the Pre vention of P ollution from Ships,
1973, commonly known as Annex V of the MAR-
POL (Marine Pollution) Treaty 73/78. The y apply
to all U.S. boats where ver they operate (except
waters under the exclusive jurisdiction of a
State) and foreign boats operating in U.S.
waters out to and including the Exclusive Eco-
nomic Zone (200 miles). It is impor tant to know
these regulations and adhere to them.
The regulations require U.S. recreational
boaters, if your boat is 26 feet or more in length,
to affix one or more USCG T rash Dumping
Restrictions placards to your boat. The placard
warns against the discharge of plastic and other
forms of garbage within the na vigable waters of
the United States and specify discharge restric-
tions beyond the ter ritorial sea. (The ter ritorial
sea generally ends three nautical miles from the
seashore.) In addition, the placard must contain
the warning that a per son who violates these
requirements is liable to civil ($25,000) and
criminal (imprisonment) penalties. The placard
also must note that State and local regulations
may further restrict the disposal of garbage.
Operators shall displa y one or more placards in
a prominent location and in sufficient number s
so they can be obser ved and read b y crew and
passenger s. These locations might include
embarkation points, food ser vice areas, galle ys,
garbage handling spaces and common deck
spaces frequented b y crew and passenger s. We
recommend that these placards be installed on
all boats. The placards ma y be purchased from
local marinas, boat dealer ships and marine
equipment suppliers. A special placard is a vail-
able for boats operating on the Great Lak es.
It is illegal to discharge w aste from
your marine sanitar y device (toilet) into the w ater
in most areas. It is your responsibility to be a ware
of and adhere to all local la ws concerning waste
discharge. Consult with the Coast Guard, local
marina or your dealer for additional infor mation.
Some states and localities ha ve legal
limits on speed, noise and trailer specifications.
It is your responsibility to be a ware of these
laws and limits and to insure that your boat
(and trailer) comply . Consult with your local
Marine Patrol or local Coast Guard office.
Damford, Don.
(ISBN 0-915160-64-1). Se ven Seas.
United States Coast Guard Auxiliar y.
Skills and Seamanship
. LC74-164688. (illus.).
(ISBN 0-930028-00-7). U.S. Coast Guard.
Bottomley, Tom.
Boatman’s Handbook
, (illus.).
316 p. pap. (ISBN 0-688-03925-1, Hear st
Marine Bk.). Mor row.
Whiting, John and Bottomle y, Tom.
Log and Owner’s Manual
. 192 p. (ISBN 0-87851-
801-0); (ISBN 0-686-96737-2). Hear st Bks.
Strahm, Virgil.
Does Your Fiberglass Boat Need
LC81-90093. (illus.). 46 p. pap (ISBN
0-9606050-0-2). Strahm.
Chapman, Charles F. and Malone y. E.S.
man’s Piloting, Seamanship and Small Boat
. (illus.) 62 p. (ISBN 0-87851-814-2,
Pub. by Hearst Bks.); deluxe ed. (ISBN 0-87851-
815-0). Mor row
National Fire Protection Association.
Fire Protec-
tion Standard for Pleasure and Commercial
Motor Craft
. (ISBN 0-317-07388-5, NFP A 302).
Natl. Fire Prot.
Brother ton, Miner.
Twelve-Volt Bible
. Plastic
comb. (ISBN 0-915160-81-1). Se ven Seas.