zinc anodes. Damage resulting from electrolytic
corrosion is not co vered by the warranty.
Sacrificial zinc anodes, installed b y the dealer or
the engine manufacturer , protect the hard ware
that is exposed to the w ater. Electrolysis
attacks the softest or least noble metals fir
Because zinc is a less noble metal, it will
decompose before the more noble metals.
Check these zinc anodes periodically and ha ve
them replaced as required. See your dealer for
parts and ser vice.
Zinc is also used to protect metal that is
exposed to saltw ater. The salt causes a gal-
vanic action that decomposes metals.
Keep fiberglass surfaces clean
to prevent dirt from scratching and dulling the
finish. Wash down with a mild soap (dish deter-
gent or car w ash soap) and plenty of clear
water, especially if your boat has been exposed
to salt w ater.
The finish on your boat is made of highly
durable marine gelcoat. With proper care, this
finish will last for man y years, retaining its lus-
trous appearance. F or added protection you can
have the hull of your boat coated with an
antifouling paint. See your dealer for fur ther
Routine, periodic cleaning is the only practical
way to k eep the surface of your boat looking
shiny and ne w. Keeping your boat in showroom
condition means greater per sonal satisfaction
and higher resale value. Special cleaning prod-
ucts are a vailable from your dealer to remo ve
mildew. Boats left outdoor s will gradually deteri-
orate from exposure to sunlight, w ater, dust and
chemicals in the air . Outdoor exposure ma y
cause your boat’ s surface to show a variety of
changes, including:
• Chalking (fine, powder y whiteness on the
• Fading (gradual loss of color)
• Yellowing
• Loss of gloss
Darker colors tend to exhibit these changes
more rapidly than light color s because the y
absorb more of the sun’ s rays (ultraviolet and
Before using a par ticular cleaning solu-
tion or method for cleaning , it is a good idea
to test the material to be cleaned in a hidden
or inconspicuous area for possible adver se
reactions. Use cleaning agents sparingly .
Never discharge cleaning solutions into the
waterways. Do not use products containing
phosphates, chlorine, solvents, or non
biodegradable or petroleum based products.
The deck and hull can be easily cleaned with a
mild detergent and w ater (with the exception of
oil or hea vy grime). Use a clean rag or sponge.
Dirt, sand, or grit in a dir ty rag could scratch the
gelcoat surface. DO NOT USE abrasives to clean
your boat. Boat surfaces, e ven textured w alk-
ways and steps, can be ver y slipper y when
covered with soap suds. Use caution to protect
yourself and other s from slips and falls. W ear
deck or boat shoes whene ver you are in your
After you ha ve thoroughly cleaned your boat, it
is ready for w axing. A boat used In nor thern cli-
mates should be w axed at the beginning and
the end of the boating season. In souther
n cli-
mates, wax it e very three months to protect the
hull from damage b y the sun’ s rays. Use a
caranuba wax. If the deck or hull ha ve a light
white milky film, the gelcoat ma y have oxidized.
Ask your dealer to recommend a suitable r
bing compound for remo ving the oxidation.
Do not use a spra y wax. Wax accidentally
sprayed on nonskid surfaces will mak e them
very slipper y.
If nonskid or textured surfaces on decks, w
ways, and steps become stained, clean them
with a bristle br ush and a bathroom fiberglass
Be careful! Scrubbing smooth gelcoat
surfaces with a bristle brush may scratch the
Waxed gelcoat surfaces can be very
slippery. Do not wax any textured or
non-skid surfaces.
Wire brushes, scouring pads or other
abrasive type materials/solutions
should never be used on the deck or
hull of your boat. They create small
scratch marks that will collect marine
growth and other foreign materials.
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