If properly used and maintained, your boat will
give you year s of use and enjo yment. By k eep-
ing your boat “ship shape”, you will be doing
more than protecting your in vestment; you will
also ensure good perfor mance and safety on
the water.
This section describes how to proper ly maintain
your boat. It includes a maintenance checklist
you should follow as w ell as general infor ma-
tion. By perfor ming these inspections, your ne w
boat will not only r un smoother longer , but you
will be safer on the w ater.
Performing the following maintenance is neces-
sar y to ensure your safety on the w ater. In
addition to the following inspections follow the
manufacturer’s maintenance instr uctions in the
major component owner’ s manuals supplied
with your boat.
When cold w eather has ar rived or a change in
your boat’s usage requires extended storage,
we suggest using the following guidelines to pre-
pare your boat for this type of storage. If you
live in an area that does not require seasonal
storage, we recommend a thorough inspection
once a year.
Consult your engine manual for
specific instructions covering winterization of
the engine.
With fiberglass boats, se vere gelcoat crazing or
more serious hull damage can occur during
launching and hauling if pressure is created on
the gunwales by the slings. Flat, wide belting-
type slings and spreader s long enough to k eep
pressure from the gunw ales are necessar y.
Cable-type slings should be a voided. Do not
place the slings where the y may lift on underw a-
ter fittings.
Never hoist the boat with more than a minimal
amount of w ater in the bilge. Fuel and w ater
tanks should preferably be empty , especially if
of large capacity .
Remove the bilge drain plug immediately
after taking the boat out of the w ater. After
washing, raise the bow of the boat high to allow
as much w ater as possible to drain while per-
forming other storage preparations. Store the
plug in a plastic bag and tape it to the throttle
control lever so that it is easily found for re-
Perform the following steps to winterize your
trailer for storage.
• Check tire inflation.
• Clean and repack the wheel bearings. Mak e
sure there is no w ater in the wheel hubs.
Inspect the bearings and races for pitting .
Inspect the grease seals for w ear. Replace if
necessar y and fill the bearings with grease.
• Examine the entire trailer and r unning gear
for signs of cracking or metal fatigue. Repair
weld cracks, and tighten an y loose bolts and
• Check the frame. Mak e sure there are no
signs of bending or sw aying due to o verload-
• Repair or replace wor n or misadjusted
bunks or roller s.
• If rust has for med on the trailer, remove it by
sanding and paint the bare spots to match
the trailer.
• Inspect and adjust the brak e system accord-
ing to the manufacturer’ s recommendations.
Look inside brak es for excessive r ust.
• Lubricate the winch, the coupler , all roller s
and pivot points.
• Check the safety chains.
• Inspect the winch and fastening hook for
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