the pump will k eep the w ater fresh. T o drain the
livewell, remo ve the stand pipe.
Your boat ma y have a w aterproof light in the
livewell. This light is controlled b y a switch at
the helm labeled LIVEWELL LIGHT or COURTESY
LIGHTS, depending on boat model.
If your boat has ra w water washdown, a Y–valve
channels water flow to the live well or to a male
hose connector pro vided in the cockpit. The
location will var y by model. A hose can be con-
nected to use ra w water to w ash down the
cockpit. If the ra w water hose nozzle is closed,
the pump will stop wor king when the hose is
pressurized and star t working again when the
nozzle is opened.
The bilge blow er forces fumes out of the engine
compartment area and circulates fresh air dra wn
in through the deck vents.
The deck vents must
be kept clear and open at all times
. The blow er
must run at least five minutes before star ting an
inboard engine or generator . It must also be r un-
ning during star t-up and operation below cr uising
speed. At cruising speed, air flows into and out of
engine compartment because of the boat’ s speed
and the shape and placement of the vents.
Your boat ma y be equipped with a single bur ner
alcohol stove. Refer to the sto ve owner’s man-
ual for details about using this appliance safely .
Your boat’s compass is in valuable in deter min-
ing your position and cour se. A qualified
technician must adjust the compass for er
caused by environmental interference. Since a
compass can seldom be cor rected to zero de via-
tion on all headings, the technician will pro vide
you with a de viation card showing the cor rection
to be applied in na vigational connections.
this card at the helm at all times.
A horn has been installed on your boat. Flip the
switch mar ked HORN to operate the hor n.
Your boat’s fuel system meets or exceeds the
Federal requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard at
the time of manufacture. W e have inspected
and pressure tested the fuel system in accor-
dance with cur rent regulations. In addition,
every fuel tank must pass rigid tests and
inspections b y the tank manufacturer .
Before you take delivery of your boat, check that
your dealer completes a full inspection of the
entire fuel system. Y ou should also inspect the
entire system at least once a year .
1. Gas Deck F ill: All our boats ha ve an inter nal
gas tank equipped with a deck fill plate
labeled GAS or GASOLINE. Be sure to use
the proper grade fuel as specified in your
engine owner’s manual. See Section 7 for
fueling instr uctions and recommendations.
2. Gas Tank Vent: The gas tank is vented o ver-
board. While you are filling the tank,
gasoline entering the tank pushes air in the
tank out through the vent. Be careful when
the tank is being filled, gas will be ejected
through the vent when the tank is full or
nearly full.
Turn on the bilge blower for at least 5
minutes before starting an inboard
engine or generator, to eliminate gaso-
line fumes in the bilge. Open the bilge
hatch cover during that time and smell
for fumes. DO NOT start engine or gen-
erator if gasoline fumes are present. Do
not operate blower while fueling boat.
Fueling an ignited burner can cause it
to flare up. Do not light burner unless
flame is extinguished and burner is
Use fuel approved by the manufac-
turer. Always provide adequate
ventilation when using an open flame.
Do not use stove near fuel fill or fuel
vent. Alcohol flame is invisible in sun-
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