Owner’s Manual
Model/Number : _____________________________________
Hull Identification Number :____________________________
Date of Purchase/F irst Use: __________________________
Dealer Name: _______________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________
Catalog Requests Call 1-800-603-BOAT
© 2004 Wellcraft Marine Corp., a subsidiary of Genmar Industries, Inc. 1651 Whitfield Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34243
For a complete list of standard and optional features and equipment, consult your local Wellcraft dealer. Due to a policy of continual product improvement, specifications are subject
to change without notice. The weights and volumes shown are estimated and can vary from boat to boat because of equipment, etc. Wellcraft boats meet or exceed U.S. Coast Guard
regulations at the date of manufacture. Wellcraft boats are NMMA Certified using ABYC standards.Wellcraft is a trademark of Genmar Industries, Inc. Printed in USA. Part No. 3208-5181
Rev. 10/03