The boat’s batteries are nor mally charged when-
ever the engines are r unning. If you are dock ed
for an extended period of time, operating DC
devices and equipment will drain the pow er from
the batteries. Unless the batteries are k
charged, they may not ha ve enough pow er to
start the engines when you need them.
If your boat is equipped with a batter
y charger, it
will automatically charge the batteries when your
boat is connected to shore pow er or when the gen-
erator is r unning. In either situation, the BA TTERY
CHARGER breaker at the A C CONTROL panel must
be switched to ON, to charge the batteries.
Leaving the batter y charger switch on whene ver
AC power is available is a good idea. It will k eep
the batteries fully charged. After the batteries
are recharged, it pro vides a maintenance or
trickle charge as needed.
The engines alter nators will recharge the batter-
ies while the engines are r unning. Voltage
regulators control the rate of charge b y sensing
voltage variations and increase or decrease out-
put accordingly.
The engine is equipped with a circuit break er to
protect the engine wiring har ness and instr u-
mentation power leads. If an electrical o verload
occurs, a circuit break er will open and inter rupt
current flow when the circuit dra w exceeds the
rated amperage. Refer to your engine owner’ s
manual for location and resetting procedure.
The dual batter y switch enables DC pow er to be
used from one or two batteries. The dual batter y
switch controls pow er to the engine and all 12-
volt electrical equipment, except the automatic
bilge pump. The dual batter y switch settings
available are OFF, 1, 2 and ALL.
The dual batter y switch should be
in the OFF setting when not in use and espe-
cially while the boat is unattended. While in the
OFF setting , only the automatic bilge pump and
stereo presets are supplied with DC pow
er. All
other electrical items are OFF .
The description and function for each of the set-
tings on the dual batter y switch is described
• OFF: All 12-volt pow er to boat is shut OFF
except for the automatic bilge pump and
stereo presets and cor rosion controller (if
equipped). When boat is unattended for
extended periods of time, tur n the dual bat-
tery switch to the OFF position.
• Setting one (1) will use batter y #1 to pow er
engine and all 12-volt equipment. Batter y #2
is isolated and remains in reser ve. Battery
#1 is charged b y the alter nator.
• Setting two (2) uses batter y #2. Except for
bilge pump, batter y #1 is isolated and
remains in reser ve. Battery #2 is charged b y
the alter nator.
• Setting ALL will use both batteries. Both bat-
teries are used b y the engine and all 12-volt
equipment and are charged b y the alter nator
when the engine is r unning.
We recommend using only one batter y at a time
by using the number one (1) or two (2) setting
Avoid using the ALL setting unless a single bat-
tery is not sufficient to star t the engine.
Rotating your batter y usage will increase
battery longevity.
Some twin engine models will ha ve two dual
battery switches, one for each engine and bat-
tery. The por t side switch should be in position
number one (1) and the starboard side switch
should be in position number two (2) when
starting the engines.
If you can’ t start an engine because the batter y
is low, try starting the other engine. Once the
second engine is r unning, turn both batter y
switches to all, and then star t the fir st engine
using both batteries. Once the fir st engine is
running, return both batter y switches to the pre-
ferred settings.
Do not turn dual battery switch to OFF
setting while engine is running; alter-
nator and wiring damage could occur.
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