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Position (register)
This parameter defines the area of the word register which is read/written. The following areas are
High/Low byte
Bit count (only for configured)
This parameter defines the size of the area in the word register (in bits).
Offset (only for configured)
This parameter defines the position of the area in the word register (offset from the right in bits).
The Bit count and Offset together must not be greater than 16.
The value must fit into Bit count, for example Bit count = 1
“Value” = 0 or 1.
Channel function “DPT 08 – signed – 2 bytes”
The following type is configured:
Word register
2 byte value signed (KNX) is written/read to/from area in word register (Modbus)
5.13.1 Type
– Word register
Position (register)
This parameter defines the area of the word register which is read/written. The following area is
High/Low byte