User Manual v1.9
WI-I/O 9-K
Page 17
Analog value is transmitted if the measured value has increased by the configured sensitivity
amount since the last transmission
Analog value is transmitted if the input value has not been transmitted within the update time
(10 seconds – 7 days)
There is no paralysis time for the analog input.
Setpoint Status
The setpoint status is an internal status value, calculated by comparing the analog input to two
configurable setpoint values. The setpoint status turns ON when the analog input moves below
the low setpoint value, and turns OFF when it moves above the high setpoint value. The high
setpoint percentage must always be greater than, or equal to, the low set point.
The internal setpoint status will be determined every time an analog measurement is taken.
The setpoint status is treated as a digital signal and its value is transmitted according to the rules
for a digital input.
Supply Voltage
The WI-I/O K measures the supply voltage and stores it as an internal “analog” value. The range
of the analog value is 0 – 30 volts. The measurement is made every time the radio transmits (the
measured value is the “loaded” supply voltage) and the measurement is transmitted based on the
user-configurable update time - there are no change transmissions for this value.
Low Supply Voltage Alarm (Supply LowVolts)
If the voltage of the power supply falls below the pre-configured alarm value, the internal low
voltage alarm will turn on. The WI-I/O K provides user-configurable high and low setpoints for
the supply voltage value. If the supply voltage falls below the low SP, then the Supply Low
Volts status will turn on. When the supply voltage increases above the high SP, the status will
turn off. The low SP should not be set less than 5.7V.
The Supply Low Volts is treated as a digital signal and its value is transmitted according to the
rules for a digital input.
Supply Failure
The WI-I/O K will stop operating if the supply voltage falls below 95% of the Supply LOV
value. Prior to shutting down, the WI-I/O K will store the values of the pulse counters in non-
volatile memory. The unit will restart when the supply voltage has increased to the configured
high SP value.
Communications Failure
The WI-I/O K cannot provide an indication that its transmitted messages have not been received