WI-I/O 9-K
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input during the next 30 seconds, regardless of changes to the input signal. Note that
paralysis time does not stop re-transmissions of each message - if the WI-I/O K is configured
to transmit each message three times, then paralysis will not stop this.
Depending on the type of input signal (digital, pulse or analog), the WI-I/O K must determine
what type of signal change is required to send a transmission:
Digital Inputs
A digital input can be an external digital input or an internal status input (setpoint status or low
voltage alarm). The WI-I/O K will accept digital inputs as voltage-free contacts, NPN devices
(such as proximity switches) or TTL signals. For TTL signals, a 0-1.5V signal will be measured
as on/active/1, and a 3.5-13V signal will be measured as off/inactive/0.
The WI-I/O K will transmit the value of the digital input whenever it changes from off to on or
from on to off. A paralysis time may be configured to prevent another transmission within this
time. The WI-I/O K will also transmit an update message if a message has not been transmitted
for that input within an “update time”.
There are two update times for each digital input - one for when the input is on, and one for when
the input is off. Each update time may be configured between 10 seconds and 5 days. For
example, a digital input may be configured to update every 1 day when the input is off, but
update every 10 minutes when the input is on. If an update time of zero (or less than 10 seconds)
is selected, then no update messages will be sent.
Input value transmitted on input change
Update message if the input value has not been transmitted within the configured update time
for that input (10 seconds - 7 days)
Separate update times for on and off status for digital inputs
After each transmission, further transmission for that input is disabled for the paralysis time (0
– 127.5 sec).
The time response of the two digital inputs is different. DI1 has a fast response, sensing a change
within 10msec. This means that the overall “input-to-output’ response is approx 50 msec. DI2 is
checked every 500msec - the maximum response time of this input could be 550 msec.
Pulse Inputs
Pulse inputs use the same input connection as the digital inputs. The total number of digital and
pulse inputs available is two.