WI-I/O 9-K
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be configured for each input-to-output link. The configuration is done at the WI-I/O K module
where the input signal is - no additional configuration is required at the WI-I/O 9-x modules.
The transmitted radio message will include the address of repeater modules - modules with these
addresses will re-transmit the messages.
Each module must be configured before it can be used. Configuration is performed using a PC
(or a laptop computer) connected to the module via the internal RS232 port on the WI-I/O K.
WI-I/O K configuration software is required and is provided with each order.
Configuring a module requires the entering of “input mappings” and setting operating parameters
for each input. An “input mapping” links an input signal to an output channel at a remote
module (or a “destination address”). An input mapping is entered for each input signal (external
and internal) which is used. Mappings may be inverted such that the output is the reverse value
of the input.