IE-SW-VL08M Series User’s Manual
Featured Functions
Enable Ring Coupling
Factory Default
Select this switch as Coupler
Do not select this switch as Coupler
Not checked
Coupling Mode
Factory Default
Dual Homing
Select this item to change to the Dual
Homing configuration page
Primary Port: Port 5
Backup Port: Port 6
Primary Port: Port 2
Backup Port: Port 3
Ring Coupling
Select this item to change to the Ring
Coupling (backup) configuration page
Port 5
Port 2
Ring Coupling
Select this item to change to the Ring
Coupling (primary) configuration page
Port 5
Port 2
Primary/Backup Port
Factory Default
Primary Port
Select any port of the switch to be the
primary port.
Port 2
Port 5
Backup Port
Select any port of the switch to be the
backup port.
Port 3
Port 6
The Turbo Ring DIP Switches located on the
IE-SW-VL08M‘s outer casing can be used to configure
the devices’s Turbo Ring protocols. (For details on how
to do this, refer to “Configuring Basic Settings—Turbo
Ring DIP Switch” section in this manual.)
If you use the web interface, console interface, or
Telnet interface to enable the Turbo Ring DIP
Switches, and then set DIP Switch 4 on the switch’s
outer casing to the “ON” position, you will not be able
to use the web interface, console interface, or Telnet
interface to change the status of the DIP Switch. In this
case, the
Communication Redundancy
settings will
be “grayed out” in the web browser as shown in the
following figure: