• I cannot add or remove modules to or from my
network. The ADD DeVICe and ReMoVe DeVICe
buttons are faded out (dimmed).
• I cannot add or remove a module to or from
my network. I press the PRoGRAM button on the
module but the software never responds.
• I tried to reset a module, but another module
was removed from my network instead.
• I cannot join another network. I click SWITCH
To (oR JoIN) ANoTHeR NeTWoRk but the pro-
cess never starts.
• The USB Z-Wave
adapter might be a
Secondary Controller. only a Primary Controller
may be used to add or remove modules to or
from a network. Use the Primary Controller to
add or remove modules, and then update your
USB Z-Wave
adapter and software (see Joining
a network, page 22).
• The software may be in LoCkeD mode. Click
on the lock in the lower left corner of your
screen until the text UNLoCkeD appears.
• If you cannot successfully add a module, try
removing it from your network first using the
ReMoVe DeVICe button. even if it is not in your
network, this operation may reset the module.
once the module has been reset, try adding it
• For your security, the USB Z-Wave
must be within a few feet of the module to be
able to add it to your network. If this is not
possible, please set up your network with a
portable remote controller and then copy this
information to the USB Z-Wave
adapter (see
“Joining a network”, page 22).
• The module had not been properly reset
previously, and another module with its assigned
ID was mistakenly identified. Reset the module
again if necessary, and then re-add the module
which was mistakenly removed.
• To join a network, or to receive a network
update, the USB Z-Wave
adapter must be
within a few feet of the controller adding it to the
network or sending the update.