Use the following procedure to
run more than one instance of
Multiple instances of
may be run on
one computer simultaneously.
each instance of Thinkessentials®
will require its own USB Z-Wave
adapter. It is important to note that
each instance of Thinkessentials®
is running separately and do not
create “one network” from two
separate networks.
1. Please see your computer
operating System documentation
for information on how to start
the command line option. In the
Windows XP example shown, the
command line option is started by
clicking on START and then clicking
on RUN. This will open a RUN
dialog box.
2. In the RUN dialog box type in
CMD and click on ok to open the
Command line window.
3. Navigate to the drive and
directory where Thinkessentials
4. Type the program name,
“Thinkessentials” followed by the
multiple command as noted in the
following example:
Thinkessentials /multi
5. Press the eNTeR key and
will start.
6. Choose the Z-Wave USB adapter
you wish to use in this instance
and click on CoNNeCT to start the
Repeat Step 4-6 for each instance
of Thinkessentials
you want to run.
Command Line Option:
Multiple Z-Wave
USB Adapters
anced Operations
Click on desired Z-Wave
adapter and click on CoNNeCT.
Change to drive and directory where Thinkessentials
is located.
Initiate command line function.
Type in the /multi command line option.