center by an amount determined by the modulation
-Phase Modulation (PM): As in External Modulation.
A m p l i t u d e o f m o d u l a t o r
f u n c t i o n s
varies phase up to
External Modulation
A BNC feeds an external signal to the modulating cir-
cuits when selected by a front panel modulation tog-
gle switch in the EXT position.
Amplitude Modulation (AM):
External modulating
signals with zero dc component produce suppressed
carrier modulation; i.e., a carrier (at main generator
function output) amplitude of zero. The function out-
put modulated signal has an amplitude sensitivity of
3 volts peak (1.5 Vp into
per volt peak in. A car-
rier signal level at the function output can be pro-
duced at a sensitivity of 3 Vp (I .5 Vp into 500) per 1 Vp
dc component in. Modulating the dc component mod-
ulates the carrier level. Percent modulation (AM) will
be the ratio of the peak ac to peak dc of the modulating
signal. Input impedance is >2.5
Frequency Modulation (FM) and Sweep: Sensitivity is
20% of frequency range/volt peak. Linear behavior
results only when all instantaneous frequencies call-
ed for fall within the frequency range (2
to 0.002
multiplier). The instantaneous frequency
called for is the multiplier and dial setting altered by
the instantaneous voltage at the modulation input. In-
put impedance is 5
Phase Modulation (PM): Sensitivity is
phase shift/
volt peak. Linear behavior results only when all instan-
taneous transition frequencies called for fall within
the frequency range (2
multiplier to 0.002
plier).The instantaneous frequencies called for will
depend heavily on the modulation frequency. and
waveform. Inoperative at frequency multiplier settings
below 100. Input frequencies roll off at 6 dB/octave
above one half of full range frequency and above
150 kHz. Input impedance is IO,
Frequency Range
Hz to 20 MHz in
overlapping ranges with
1 %
vernier control.
Function Output
selectableandvariable to 30V p-p
(15V p-p into
up to 15 Vp (7.5 Vp
All waveforms and dc can supply 150 mA
peak current and may be attenuated to 60 dB in 20
steps. An additional 20 dB vernier also controls the
w a v e f o r m a m p l i t u d e s .
Adjustable Waveform Start/Stop Point
Approximately -
to +
to 2 MHz (operative on
sine and triangle waveforms only).
DC Output and DC Offset
Selectable through function output
b y f r o n t p a n e l c o n t r o l s t o a m i n i m u m o f
14.4 Vdc( 7.2 Vdc into
with signal peak plus
offset limited to
15 Vdc (
7.5 Vdc into
DC off-
set and wave form attenuated proportionately by the
60 dB output attenuator.
External Modulation Input
AM: Sensitivity of 3 Vp out/Vp (1.5V into 503). Input
impedance is >2.5
FM: Sensitivity of 20% of frequency range/Vp. Input
impedance is 5
PM :
Sensitivity of
phase shift/VP. Input im-
pedance is 1O
Symmetry of all waveform outputs is continuously ad-
justable from 1 :1 9 to 19:1. Varying symmetry provides
variable duty-cycle pulses, sawtooth ramps and non-
symmetrical sine waves.
W h e n S Y M M E T R Y c o n t r o l i s u s e d , i n -
dicated frequency is divided by approx-
ima tely IO. Sync Output (TTL)
TTL level pulse which will drive 10 TTL loads. Fre-
quency and time symmetry are the same as for func-
tion output. Trlgger and Gate
Input Range: IV p-p to
Input Impedance: IO
33 pF.
Pulse Width: 25 ns minimum.
Repetition Rate: IO MHz maximum.
Adjustable triggered signal start/stop point: approxi-
mately -
to 2 MHz.