The following compand is used in the GSM-RELAY6 :
White List (add or remove numbers)
Safety control mode or free control mode
When send the SMS to control,if need to reply the SMS
Relay working output delay time
Relay mode
Check status
Once you issue a command with an SMS, you will receive a confirmation SMS with OK
if everything is correct or Err if there is an Error.
#PWD Password.
This command must always come first 6 digits as a password.
The standard default one, when the device comes from the factory, is 123456.
We suggest that you change it, using the #CAP command.
In all the following examples we will use 123456 as an example of password.
#CAP Change Password.
Use this command to change the password with a new one that you will chose for your device
( don't forget it or you will have to send the unit back to us to reset it, and this has a cost )
The #CAP command must be issued 2 times to be sure you don't digit a wrong one.
OF course it must be preceded by the old password.
For example, to change the password 123456 into the new password 333444 you need to send the
following SMS:
Acknowledge SMS: PWD SETUP OK
If you wrote correctly, or an Error message if you made a mistake.
If the old password is error,then conformation would be :
Error Old Password
If you input two different new password,then reply would be :
Error New Password,Please Check the
input again
#ACM Free control mode or safety control mode
This command is used to select the safety control mode or free control mode
#PWD123456#ACM=ON or
When at safety control mode,then only the numbers in the WHL list can control the device
Customized Text Command is only working at ACM=ON mode
When at free control mode,then any number can control the device