Doc. V2.3 VXCO Lighting Systems © 1998 - 2016
Placement of Objects:
- Press the „Imp. 3DS“ button
- Indicate the source of the.3DS files
- Choose the file and press on „open“
- Next, press on the „Centre“ Knob, in order to center the object in the middle of the room.
- Now you can move the object about the room freely. Use the X/Y/Z – as well as the rotation coordinates.
.You can assign a color to the object using the corresponding button.
-Once you have placed all your objects, the entire “installation” may be saved and can be loaded for a later
show (Save and Load)
Important: The objects in the 3D room are not saved in the show file, but the file path of the file containing
the objects is. If the file is found when opening the show it is opened, and as such the 3D objects are
loaded. Thus, make sure to save the current 3D object-setup before exiting the 3d Emulator (see above
[Save]) If you wish to install the same setup on a different computer, you must copy the show file as well as
the 3D-file. Normally, the 3D files can be found here: C:\Programs\DMXCreator Timeline\3dobj
Import 3DS file(.3DS File)
Open and save 3D objects
Delete selected object
Zoom in / out in %
Color of object
Table containing all objects in
room in order of placement.
click to select..
Centers object in centre of
Y/X/Z coordinates of the 3D