- North America - Installation, Operation, Maintenance, & Troubleshooting Manual
Appendix A
Page 211
Appendix A - General Contractor Check-Out Form
The final step in the installation process is to start up the GREEN MACHINE and get it field commission
Before this process can be started, the GREEN MACHINE must be completely and correctly installed,
which is why Appendix A was developed.
How to Submit Appendix A:
1. Go to www.vsthose.com
2. Click on VST Education
Under “North America GREEN MACHINE,”
Click on “Supporting Documents and Instructional Video”
Click on “General Contractor.”
Click on “Appendix A –
General Contractor
Check Out Form.”
6. Fill out and submit Appendix A with the required photos.
7. Receive an email from VST with a copy of the filled-out Appendix A.
The following pages contain the contents of Appendix A and the questions you’ll be asked. You may find
it helpful to review these pages,
so you’re prepared for the online questions and requirements.
Once filled out, Appendix A must be submitted by the General
Contractor on-line to insure the GREEN MACHINE is ready for