Appendix E: View video by PDA or Cell phone
User can get the DVR video by typing the IP address (
http://DVR IP/pdamain.htm
) on the Internet
Explore in your cell phone or PDA.
1. Open a browser window on a terminal that has network access to the VP-404/4048.
2. Type the IP address (http://DVR IP/pdamain.htm) of the VP-404/4048 in the browser address bar.
You can view video as following:
Appendix F: NET I/O (optional)
One VPON DVR can offer to connect sixteen cash registers. We provide two devices to connect DVR
and cash registers .one of device is VP-204 (NET I/O device) for connecting one cash register, the
other one device is VP-204Q (NET I/O device) for connecting four cash registers at the same time. If
you hope sixteen cash registers to connect to one DVR, you need sixteen VP-204 devices or four
VP-204Q devices.
VP-204 installation :
1. Connect corresponded color wire of the cable into VP-204 NET I/O Device
2. Follow the pictures bellow for installation.