3.15.21 System Log:
Any operation will be written into system log include local operation and remote operation. User can
search system log by specific time.
3.15.22 Alarm Log
Any alarm will be written into alarm log including motion trigger
GPIO trigger
Disk error
Video loss
POS event.…..etc. User can search alarm log by specific time.
3.15.23 Export system configuration:
User can backup or restore system, record, alarm and motion detection setup data.
Backup configuration data:
1. Connect a USB flash to DVR for backup or restore configuration data. DVR will auto detect flash.
2. Select backup section and click a device, which is shown in the field.
3. Click
button to start to backup configuration data.
4. When user sees “
vpcfg _ your DVR name _ Mac ID.bin
” was saved in the field, it mean the backup
was done.
5. Click
button to leave system setup menu.