(hours/minutes) in 24h format.
The Line Month/Day only have sense to be programmed if the
automatic battery test runs monthly or yearly. You can program the
day from 1 to 31 and the month selecting one of the following options:
‘’JAN”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’FEB”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’MAR”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’APR”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’MAY”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’JUN”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’JUL”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’AUG”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’SEP”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’OCT”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
“NOV”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
‘’DEC”: the selected month to run yearly the battery test is
Screen 3.4: Advanced Setting
At this level an authorized password will be required to modify some
advanced parameters. If you need to modify advanced setting, please
check with your dealer to get password.
Screen 3.5: Rated Value
To modify the rated values on the screens, it is necessary to introduce
the «Password» on the previous screen 3.4. Otherwise, they only will
be able to be visualized.
The IP.V and OP.V shows the Rated Input Rectifier Voltage and Rated
Output Voltage.
It also shows Upper Margin and Input Rectifier Voltage Lower Margin
of the Input Rectifier Voltage and Input bypass voltage, The Rated DC
Bus Voltage and the Rated Output Current. The Rated Battery
Charging Current. And the probe for the battery and AC input current.
For parameter, calibration and system initial submenus, please check
your local dealer for the detailed settings.
Screen 3.6: Unit and service Information
In this Information Screen, you can check the UPS configuration of the
Internal firmware versions of both Digital Signal Processor (“DSP Ver:”)
and microcontroller (“uC Ver:”). In the sample screen, “Ver. 4.4 D”
and “Ver. 3.2 J” respectively.
UPS Serial Number: Possible characters ranges are “0”-“9”, “A”-“Z”
and also “ “ (blank space), “-“. See sample screen.
And the Service Information set in the basic menu.