Transmission oil and Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
B - Automatic Transmission
Transmission and final drive are both lubricated with hypoid oil according to Mil
— L— 2105— B specifications (additive basis: sulfur-phosphorous):
Lubricant additives
A — Manual Transmission
SAE 90 In general all year.
SAE 80 In areas with cold climate.
In areas with arctic climate and temperatures consistently below —13° F.
ATF is a special fluid for automatic transmissions, but ATF can also be used in the
Manual Transmission under the above mentioned climatic conditions.
The final drive has to be lubricates only with hypoid oil SAE 90.
Automatic Transmission and torque converter require ATF all year round.
All ATF’s labeled “Dexron®” with a five-digit number preceded by the letter “B” can
be used.
No additive should be mixed with fuel or lubricating oils and transmission fluids.
1. Multi-purpose grease with lithium base should be used for the front axle.
2. Dry stick lubricant should be used for the hood locks and the sliding surfaces
of the striker plates.
3. Silicone spray or petroleum jelly should be used for the battery terminals and