P = Park
R = Reverse
N = Neutral
D = Drive
2 =
1 =
Controls for Automatic Transmission
Remember the following basic rules:
The selector lever may be shifted freely
between Neutral and the ranges Drive
and 2. When selecting the other ranges,
observe the following:
There are few points you should know if
you want to take full advantage of your
Automatic Transmission.
You can start the engine with the
selector lever in Neutral or Park.
Apply the parking brake or foot brake
before selecting a driving range. When
the selector lever is in a driving range,
the car may creep even at an idling
speed. Therefore, do not release the
parking brake or foot brake until you
are ready to move.
Do not accelerate while selecting a
driving range. At this time the engine
must run at idling speed so that no
undue stress will be placed on the
automatic clutches in the transmission.
If the selector lever is accidentally
moved into Neutral (N) while driving,
take your foot off the accelerator pedal
and wait until the engine speed has
drop-ped to idling before selecting a
driving range.
The selector lever has 6 positions:
Lower driving ranges
The selector lever console is illuminated
when the parking or headlights are
switched on.
From N to R
From R to P
From P to R
From R to N
to D to 2
From 1 to 2
to D to N
From 2 to 1
squeeze trigger in handle
and push lever forward.
squeeze trigger in handle
and pull lever back.
just pull lever back.
squeeze trigger in handle
and pull lever back.
just push lever forward.