Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677
Linea Plus AG
Certain electronic functions on the Linea range
of appliances can be abled or disabled ac-
cording to customer preference. The selec-
tions can be made by the addition or removal
of jumper tags situated on the printed circuit
board. Refer to fig. 40 for jumper positions on
printed circuit board.
Hot Water Preheat Function:
To disable remove jumper JP6
To able add jumper to JP6
C/H Delay Timer:
To disable add jumper to JP9
To able remove jumper from JP9
Natural Gas / LPG
For Nat gas add jumper to JP8
For LPG remove jumper from JP8
Jumpers JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP5 and JP7
also exist on the printed circuit board DO NOT
under any circumstances add or remove jump-
ers at these points.
Spare jumpers are available from Vokera
stockists. Part no. 7232.