on 3
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Eccellenza Touch
VKI Publication #100308-003
Disabling Beverages
While in the 'Ingredients' tab, you can also disable one or multiple specialty beverages, if
required. Please note that it is not possible to disable any of the three base coffee beverages.
In the example below, the Mochaccino beverage will be disabled. Swipe through the list of
beverages until the Mochaccino beverage is shown. By default, all of the beverages are enabled
in the Eccellenza Touch, as indicated by the green 'Enabled' button. To disable a beverage
option, simply tap of the green 'Enabled' button.
The 'Enabled' button is now grayed out, indicating that the beverage is disabled. To re-enable
the beverage, simply touch the grayed out 'Enabled' button and it will change to green,
indicating that the beverage is once again enabled.
The disabled product will no longer be offered on the main screen.