S E C T I O N 2 - I N S T A L L A T I O N
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I n s t a l l i n g a F l o - J e t P u m p
In certain locations, it may not be possible to connect
the equipment to a direct water source. In such cases, a
FLOJET Bottled Water Dispensing System needs to be
The FLOJET Bottled Water Dispensing System is
designed to pump water from a commercially available 5
gallon water bottle. The system delivers the water under
pressure to the equipment on which it is connected.
The illustration to the right shows a basic FLOJET Bottled
Water Dispensing System installation inside the cabinet on
which the equipment is installed. Both the bottled water
and the water pump are conveniently installed inside the
cabinet, simplifying water bottle replacement when
More detailed installation and operating instructions can
be found in the Installation and Maintenance manual
included with every FLOJET Bottled Water Dispensing
I n s t a l l i n g t h e S c a l e h a m m e r
The Scalehammer is very easy to install, it takes a few minutes and does not require
plumbing or any interruption to the water system. All that is required is about 18 inches
(45cm) of exposed pipe on which to install the unit. An adjacent power outlet is required
for the plug-in transformer. The surface of the pipe must be clean and free of oil, grease
and insulation.
Two wire ties are provided for mounting
the Scalehammer to the water pipe. Insert
one wire tie in each clip located on the
back of the unit; wrap the ties around the
pipe where the Scalehammer will be
mounted, pull the tie until the unit is
secure to the water pipe, then cut off the
excess tie.
Note that the antenna wires are off-
centered with the pipe.
If the unit is mounted horizontally:
one antenna wire must go over and
the other under the pipe.
If mounted vertically: one antenna
wire must go to the right and the
other to the left side of the pipe.
NOTE: Maximum pipe diameter is 1” (2.5 cm)