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Dazmolning xizmat qilish muddatini uzaytirish 
uchun, ayniqsa «qattiq» suvi bo’lgan mintaqalarda 
bug’ kamerasini muntazam tozalash tavsiya 
•   Bug’ni doimiy berish sozlagichini (3) «bug’ning 

berilishi o’chirilgan» holatiga o’rnating


•   Suv uchun sig’imni (11) suv bilan MAX 

belgisigacha (13) to’ldiring.

•   Dazmolni asosiga qo’ying (8).
•   Tarmoq simini rozetkaga kiriting.
•  Haroratni sozlash moslamasini (10) burab 

dazmol tagligining «


» haroratini belgilang, 

bunda indikator (9) yonadi (3-rasm). 


 Dazmol tagining harorati (12) maksimal 

haroratga yetganda, indikator (9) o’chadi, 
dazmol bug’ kamerasini tozalash jarayonini 
boshlash mumkin.

•   Haroratni sozlash moslamasini (10) 




holatiga qo’yib, dazmolni o’chiring.

•    Tarmoq simining vilkasini rozetkadan chiqarib 


•   Dazmolni chig’anoq ustida gorizontal ushlab 

turing, (14) «SELF CLEAN» tugmasini bosib, 
ushlab turing (7-rasm).

•   Qaynayotgan suv va bug’ quyqa bilan birga 

dazmol tagligining teshiklaridan chiqib turadi 

•    To suvning hammasi sig’imdan (11) chiqib 

ketmaguncha dazmolni oldinga-orqaga 
ozgina chayqatib turing.

•   Dazmolni asosga qo’ying (8) va uning to’liq 

sovishini kutib turing.

•   Dazmolning tagligi (12) to’liq soviganda, uni 

mato bo’lagi bilan arting.

•   Dazmolni saqlash uchun olib qo’yishdan avval 

sig’imda (11) suv yo’qligi, dazmolning tagligi 
(12) mutlaqo quruqligiga ishonch hosil qiling.


•   Dazmolni tozalashdan avval u tarmoqdan 

o’chirilganligi va soviganligiga ishonch hosil 

•   Dazmol korpusini ozgina nam mato bilan 

arting, keyin uni quriguncha arting.

•   Dazmol tagligidagi qoplamlar sirka-suv 

eritmasiga namlangan mato bilan ketkazilishi 

•   Qoplamlar ketkazilganidan keyin taglik 

yuzasini quruq mato bilan silliqlab arting.

•   Dazmol tagligi va korpusini tozalash uchun 

abraziv moddalardan foydalanmang.

•   Dazmol tagligini o’tkir metall buyumlarga 

tegishidan asrang.



 Haroratni sozlash moslamasini (10) soat 

miliga qarshi 




 holatigacha burang, 

bug’ni doimiy berish sozlagichini (3) «bug’ning 
berilishi o’chirilgan» holatiga o’rnating.

•   Tarmoq simining vilkasini rozetkadan oling.
•   Dazmolning to’liq sovishini kuting.
•   Suv quyish tuynugining qopqog’ini (2) oching, 

dazmolni ag’daring va suv idishidan (11) 
suvning qolganini to’kib tashlang (8-rasm).

•   Qopqoqni yoping (2).
•   Dazmolni vertikal holda quruq, salqin, bolalar 

yeta olmaydigan joyda saqlang.

Etkazib berish to’plami

Dazmol – 1 dona.
Suv quyish uchun idish – 1 dona.


Ta’minot kuchlanishi: 220- 240 V ~ 50 Hz
Maksimal iste’mol qilinadigan quvvati: 2000 W

Ишлаб чиқарувчи жиҳоз хусусиятларини 
олдиндан маълум қилмасдан ўзгартириш 
ҳуқуқини сақлаб қолади.

Buyumning xizmat qilishining muddati - 3 yil

Кафолат шартлари

Ушбу жиҳозга кафолат бериш масаласида 


худудий дилер ёки ушбу жиҳоз харид қилинган 
компанияга мурожаат қилинг. Касса чеки ёки 
харидни тасдиқловчи бошқа бир молиявий 
ҳужжат кафолат хизматини бериш шарти 

Ушбу жиҳоз 89/336/ЯЕC 
Кўрсатмаси асосида белгиланган 
ва Қувват кучини белгилаш 
Қонунида (73/23 ЕЭС) айтилган 
ЯХС талабларига мувофиқ 

1256.indd   39

1256.indd   39

25.03.2010   11:37:23

25.03.2010   11:37:23

Summary of Contents for VT-1256

Page 1: ...1256 indd 1 1256 indd 1 25 03 2010 11 37 16 25 03 2010 11 37 16...

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Page 3: ...M X A M X A M X MA 3 1256 indd 3 1256 indd 3 25 03 2010 11 37 20 25 03 2010 11 37 20...

Page 4: ...gents chemical agents etc While operating the unit provide that the water tank lid is firmly closed Use the unit only on the ironing board Provide that the power cord is not hang ing over the edge of...

Page 5: ...ature Cotton flax high temperature This table is only for smooth materials Fabrics of other types crimped raised etc are best ironed at low temperature First sort items by ironing temperature wool to...

Page 6: ...g Turn the steam supply regulator 3 to set the intensity of steaming steam will start outgoing from the openings of the sole 12 After you finish ironing set the 10 regula tor to the MIN position and t...

Page 7: ...that it is turned off and has cooled completely Wipe the iron s outer surface with a damp cloth and then wipe dry Sediment on the iron sole can be removed with a cloth soaked in vinegar water solu tio...

Page 8: ...rend des B gelvorganges zuge schlossen sein Verwenden Sie das B geleisen nur auf dem B gelbrett Achten Sie darauf dass das Netzkabel am Rande des B gelbrettes nicht herunterh ngt sowie dass es keine h...

Page 9: ...hohe Temperatur Die Tabelle ist nur f r glatte Temperaturen zu verwenden Wenn der Stoff von einem anderen Typ ist geriffelt k rperhaft usw so ist es am besten mit der niedrigen Temperatur zu b geln Z...

Page 10: ...den ffnungen auf der Sohle des B geleisens 12 herauszutreten Nach der Verwendung des B geleisens stel len Sie den Temperaturregler 10 in die Position MIN und der Regler der st n digen Dampfzuf hrung...

Page 11: ...n Sie es trocken ab Die Ans tze auf der Sohle des B geleisens k n nen mit dem in der Wasser Essig Losung ange feuchten Tuch entfernt werden Nach der Entfernung der Ans tze polieren Sie die Ober che de...

Page 12: ...12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SELF CLEAN 15 12 1256 indd 12 1256 indd 12 25 03 2010 11 37 21 25 03 2010 11 37 21...

Page 13: ...13 1 1 1 2 11 1 2 3 2 15 2 MAX 2 8 12 11 60 40 8 1256 indd 13 1256 indd 13 25 03 2010 11 37 21 25 03 2010 11 37 21...

Page 14: ...14 10 9 3 12 9 4 4 11 8 10 9 3 12 9 10 MIN 12 12 8 11 9 10 9 3 12 9 3 12 10 MIN 3 10 10 5 5 5 4 5 10 15 30 5 4 5 12 6 1256 indd 14 1256 indd 14 25 03 2010 11 37 21 25 03 2010 11 37 21...

Page 15: ...15 3 11 MAX 13 8 10 9 3 12 9 10 MIN 14 SELF CLEAN 7 12 11 8 12 11 12 10 MIN 3 2 11 8 2 1 1 220 240 50 2000 3 38 7 1070 1256 indd 15 1256 indd 15 25 03 2010 11 37 21 25 03 2010 11 37 21...

Page 16: ...16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SELF CLEAN 15 12 1 1 16 1256 indd 16 1256 indd 16 25 03 2010 11 37 21 25 03 2010 11 37 21...

Page 17: ...17 1 2 11 1 2 3 2 15 2 MAX 2 12 11 60 40 8 10 9 3 12 9 1256 indd 17 1256 indd 17 25 03 2010 11 37 21 25 03 2010 11 37 21...

Page 18: ...18 4 4 11 8 10 9 3 12 9 10 MIN 12 12 8 11 9 10 9 3 12 9 3 12 10 MIN 3 10 10 5 5 5 4 5 10 15 30 5 4 5 12 6 3 11 13 1256 indd 18 1256 indd 18 25 03 2010 11 37 21 25 03 2010 11 37 21...

Page 19: ...9 10 MIN SELF CLEAN 14 7 12 11 8 12 11 12 10 MIN 3 2 11 8 2 1 1 220 240 50 2000 3 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 89 336 EEC i i i i i i 73 23 EEC 1256 indd 19 1256 indd 19 25 03 2010 11 37 21 25 03...

Page 20: ...m plerii rezervorului cu ap Nu turna i n rezervorul pentru ap lichide aromatizatoare o et solu ie de amidon agen i pentru nl turarea depunerilor de cal car substan e chimice etc Capacul ori ciului de...

Page 21: ...Dac stofa este de un alt tip gofrat reliefat etc este mai bine s o c lca i la temperatura minim nainte de c lcare sorta i hainele conform temperaturii de c lcare sinteticele la sinteti ce l na la l n...

Page 22: ...abur 3 n pozi ia eliberarea aburului este nchis Scoate i a de alimentare din priza de re ea i a tepta i p n se va r ci erul de c lcat ATEN IE n cazul n care n timpul utiliz rii nu are loc eli berarea...

Page 23: ...erului de c lcat cu o c rp uscat Nu utiliza i pentru cur area t lpii i a corpului erului de c lcat agen i de cur are abrazivi Evita i contactul t lpii erului de c lcat cu obiecte metalice ascu ite DE...

Page 24: ...ny oct rozp t krobu rea gens pro odstran n usazenin chemick l tky atd P i pou v n ehli ky v ko lic ho otvoru m byt uzav en U ivujte ehli ku jen na ehl c tabuli Pozorujte aby s ov ra ne skl n la s okra...

Page 25: ...r polyester n zk teplota hedv b vlna st edn Bavlna l no vysok teplota Tabulka je pou iteln pouze pro hladk materi ly Pokud materi l jin ho typu vli sovan reli fn atd to nejl pe jeho ehlit p i n zk tep...

Page 26: ...3 Kdy teplota podlo ky ehli ky 12 dos h ne nastaven teploty indik tor 9 zhasne lze p istupovat k ehlen Regul torem st le dod vky p ry 3 vlo te po adovanou intenzitu tvo en p ry p ra na ne vych zet z...

Page 27: ...d te se e ona je odpojena od s ti a u chladn Pro lapejte t leso ehli ky lehce vlhkou l tkou nato propas rujte jeho do sucha Usazeniny na podlo ce ehli ky m ou byt odstran n l tkou namo enou v octov m...

Page 28: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SELF CLEAN 15 12 28 1256 indd 28 1256 indd 28 25 03 2010 11 37 22 25 03 2010 11 37 22...

Page 29: ...29 1 1 1 2 11 1 2 3 2 15 2 MAX 2 8 12 11 60 40 8 10 1256 indd 29 1256 indd 29 25 03 2010 11 37 22 25 03 2010 11 37 22...

Page 30: ...30 9 3 12 9 4 4 11 8 10 9 3 12 9 10 MIN 12 12 8 11 9 10 9 3 12 9 3 12 10 MIN 3 10 10 5 5 5 4 5 10 15 30 5 4 5 12 6 1256 indd 30 1256 indd 30 25 03 2010 11 37 22 25 03 2010 11 37 22...

Page 31: ...31 3 11 MAX 13 8 10 9 3 12 9 10 MIN 14 SELF CLEAN 7 12 11 8 12 11 12 10 MIN 3 2 11 8 2 1 1 2 1 220 240 50 2000 3 89 336 73 23 1256 indd 31 1256 indd 31 25 03 2010 11 37 22 25 03 2010 11 37 22...

Page 32: ...I 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SELF CLEAN 15 12 32 1256 indd 32 1256 indd 32 25 03 2010 11 37 22 25 03 2010 11 37 22...

Page 33: ...33 I 1 1 1 2 11 1 2 3 2 15 2 MAX 2 8 12 11 60 40 8 10 9 3 12 9 1256 indd 33 1256 indd 33 25 03 2010 11 37 22 25 03 2010 11 37 22...

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Page 35: ...35 I 3 11 MAX 13 8 10 9 3 12 9 10 MIN 14 SELF CLEAN 7 12 11 8 12 11 12 10 MIN 3 2 11 8 2 1 1 220 240 50 2000 3 i 89 336 i i i 73 23 EC 1256 indd 35 1256 indd 35 25 03 2010 11 37 23 25 03 2010 11 37 23...

Page 36: ...klarni sirka ohor eritmasini quyqani tozalash uchun reagentlar kimyoviy moddalar va hokazolarni quyish taqiqlanadi Dazmoldan foydalanganda suv idishini suv bilan to ldirish uchun suv quyish tuynuginin...

Page 37: ...lga qarang Belgilanishlar Matoning turi harorat Sun iy tolalar sintetika neylon akril poliester past harorat shoyi jun o rtacha harorat ip gazlama zig ir yuqori harorat Jadval faqat silliq matolar uch...

Page 38: ...chadi dazmollay boshlash mumkin Bug ni doimiy berish sozlagichini 3 burab bug hosil qilishning yetarli quvvatini belgilang dazmol tagligi teshiklaridan 12 bug chiqa boshlaydi Dazmolni ishlatishdan key...

Page 39: ...i saqlash uchun olib qo yishdan avval sig imda 11 suv yo qligi dazmolning tagligi 12 mutlaqo quruqligiga ishonch hosil qiling PARVARISh QILISH VA TOZALASH Dazmolni tozalashdan avval u tarmoqdan o chir...

Page 40: ...xxxxx dass die Ware im Juni der sechste Monat 2006 hergestellt wurde RUS 0606 2006 KZ 0606 2006 RO Data fabric rii este indicat n num rul de serie pe tabelul cu datele tehnice Num rul de serie reprezi...
