Note: Wear safety glasses, gloves, and use any other necessary protective equipment
when changing the delay column, as you will be in direct contact with the solvent.
1. Disconnect and plug off the Sample inlet port.
2. Set the SEC Pump to the normal running flowrate.
3. Connect the new delay column to the SEC outlet line and let it purge for twenty minutes.
4. Disconnect the new delay column and reattach SEC outlet line to the instrument inlet port.
5. Turn off the main power switch.
6. Remove the detector drawer and connects it electrical umbilical cord.
7. Set the SEC Pump flow to 0.2 mL/min.
8. Remove the delay column from the clamp ring holders.
9. Place a towel underneath the delay column.
10. Disconnect the delay column by removing the 1/4” fittings with a wrench.
11. Replace the delay column with the new one, being careful not to allow any air into the
12. Cap off the old delay column so that no air will be introduced to it during storage.
13. Increase pump flow-rate and check for leaks.
14. Turn On Main Power and run Baseline monitor.
15. Verify baseline noise level (may be as much as twice normal due to air exposure).
16. Turn Off Main Power and disconnect umbilical.
17. Replace detector drawer.
18. Turn On Main Power.
19. Let temperature equilibrate before running baseline monitors to verify proper noise levels.
20. Run a control Standard.