4. If the instrument is a 302 TDA with a LS detector verify that a RALLS filter is properly
installed below the column mounting platform,
Figure 16
Figure 16 Light Scattering Filter Assembly
5. Verify that the pneumatic pulse dampener is empty by removing the s cap and loosening the
nut at the SS tee. Solvent will drain from the tube. See
Figure 17
for proper assembly.
Valco T-Fitting
0.04" i.d. Tubing
0.01" i.d. Tubing
0.01" i.d. Tubing
To Detectors
From Column
or LS Filter
Figure 17 Pneumatic Pulse Dampener
6. Connect a waste line to the outlet connection on the front of the detector.
7. With the solvent flowing slowly, install the separation columns. Increase the solvent flow to
normal flow-rate for at least three column volumes before slowing the flow-rate.
8. Connect the outlet of the SEC columns to the tubing that leads to the LS filter.