The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Viscotek
Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors that may appear in this document. The
manual is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. Viscotek Corporation shall not
be liable for damages resulting from the use of this document.
This detector is a highly sensitive instrument. Read the manual before
using, and follow appropriate safety procedures.
To avoid the risk of electrical shock, disconnect the power cord before
removing top cover.
To avoid possible damage to electrical components, power off the TDA before removing
detector module.
Set fuse module and switch (sw-6) for correct line voltage (110/240 VAC
50/60 Hz) to avoid damage and possible fire hazard. When fuse replacement is
necessary, use only the fuse specified on the chassis rear cover (5.0 Amperes 250V
type T).
HOT surfaces inside. Wear appropriate protection when handling detector
When connecting power cord to detector, use a properly grounded receptacle.
The detector has two flow cells that are pressure rated at 150 psi. Do not
connect any tubing or device that might cause the back pressure to exceed the above
pressure rating.