© Virtual Access 2018
GW6600 Series User manual
Issue: 1.7
Page 332 of 519
Web: n/a
UCI: firewall.<zone label>.log_limit
Opt: log_limit
Limits the amount of log messages per interval.
Table 120: Information table for firewall zone advanced settings
Inter-zone forwarding
This section controls the traffic flow between zones. Selecting a source or destination
zone generates a forwarding rule. Only one direction is covered by any forwarding rule.
Hence for bidirectional traffic flow between two zones then two rules are required, with
source and destination alternated.
Figure 168: The inter-zone forwarding section
Web Field/UCI/Package Option
Web: Allow forward to destination zones
UCI: firewall.<forwarding label>.dest
Opt: dest
Allows forward to other zones. Enter the current
zone as the source.
Enabling this option puts two entries into the
firewall file: destination and source.
UCI firewall.<forwarding label>.src
Opt: src
Web: Allow forward from source zones
UCI: firewall.<forwarding label>.dest
Opt: dest
Allows forward from other zones. Enter the current
zone as the destination.
Enabling this option puts two entries into the
firewall file: destination and source.
UCI: firewall.<forwarding label>.src
Opt: src
Table 121: Information table for inter-zone forwarding settings
Note: the rules generated for forwarding traffic between zones relay connection tracking
to be enabled on at least one of the source or destination zones. This can be enabled
through the conntrack option or through masq.
Firewall port forwards
Port forwards are also known as redirects. This section creates the redirects using DNAT
(Destination Network Address Translation) with Netfilter. The redirects are from the
firewall zone labelled as wan to the firewall zone labelled as lan. These zones can refer to
multiple external and internal interfaces as defined in the Firewall Zone settings.
To edit an existing port forward select edit.
To add a new port forward select add.