If the media was already unlocked by the spring mecha-
nism, with shifting the sliding mechanism, a just installed
memory card can jump out of the slot!
4.2.6 Battery backup for clock and RAM
A rechargeable battery is installed on every CPU to safeguard the
contents of the RAM when power is removed. This battery is also
used to buffer the internal clock. The rechargeable battery is main-
tained by a charging circuit that receives its power from the internal
power supply and that maintain the clock and RAM for a max. period
of 30 days.
Please connect the CPU at least for 24 hours to the
power supply, so that the internal accumulator/battery
is loaded accordingly.
Please note that in case of repeated discharge cycles
(charging/buffering) can reduce the buffer time continu-
ously. Only after a charging time of 24 hours there is a
buffer for max. 30 days.
– After a power reset and with an empty battery the CPU
starts with a BAT error and executes an overall reset.
The loading procedure is not influenced by the BAT
– The BAT error can be deleted again, if once during
power cycle the time between switching on and off the
power supply is at least 30sec. and the battery is fully
loaded. Otherwise with a short power cycle the BAT
error still exists and an overall reset is executed.
4.2.7 Operating mode switch
With the operating mode switch you may switch the CPU between
During the transition from STOP to RUN the operating mode
START-UP is driven by the CPU.
Placing the switch to MRES (Memory Reset), you request an
overall reset with following load from MMC, if a project there
VIPA System 300S
Hardware description
Structure > Operating mode switch
HB140 | CPU-SC | 313-6CF13 | GB | 15-50