Valid range
Writing hysteresis
0 ... 255
Writing pulse duration*
0 ... 510ms
*) Only even values allowed. Odd values are automatically rounded.
As soon as during a count process an edge 0-1 is recognized at the
"Latch" input of a counter, the recent counter value is stored in the
according latch register.
You may access the latch register via
of the SFB 47.
A just in
loaded value remains after a STOP-RUN transi-
6.5.3 Counter - Functions
You may count forward and backwards and choose between the fol-
lowing counter functions:
Count endless, e.g. distance measuring with incremental encoder
Count once, e.g. count to a maximum limit
Count periodic, e.g. count with repeated counter process
In the operating modes "Count once" and "Count periodic" you may
define a counter range as start and end value via the parameteriza-
tion. For every counter additional parameterizable functions are avail-
able like gate function, comparison, hysteresis and process interrupt.
Via the parameterization you have the opportunity to define a main
counting direction for every counter. If "none" is chosen, the complete
counting range is available:
Valid value range
Lower count limit
-2 147 483 648 (-2
Upper count limit
+2 147 483 647 (2
Main counting direction forward
Upper restriction of the count range. The counter counts 0 res.
in positive direction until the parameterized
end value
-1 and
jumps then back to the load value with the next following encoder
Main counting direction backwards
Lower restriction of the count range. The counter counts from the par-
ameterized start- res.
load value
in negative direction to the parame-
end value
+1 and jumps then back to the start value with the
next following encoder pulse.
If the HW gate is enabled, only the HW gate may be influenced by the
gate functions. An opening and closing of the SW gate only interrupts
the count process.
Abort count process
Latch function
Main counting direction
Gate function abort/
VIPA System 300S
Deployment I/O periphery
Counter > Counter - Functions
HB140 | CPU-SC | 313-6CF13 | GB | 15-50