NetSure Monitor Unit User Manual (UM1M832DNA)
Rev. C
List of Error Codes for TL1 Commands Supported (in alphabetical order)
This section provides a list of error codes for the TL1 commands supported.
ENEQ - Equipage, Not EQuipped
ENRI - Equipage, Not equipped for Retrieving specified Information
ENSI - Equipage, Not equipped for Setting specified Information
ICNV - Input, Command Not Valid
IDNV - Input, Data Not Valid
IIAC - Input, Invalid Access Identifier
IICT - Input, Invalid Correlation Tag
IIFM - Input, Invalid Data Format
IIPG - Input, Invalid Parameter Grouping
IISP - Input, Invalid Syntax or Punctuation
IITA - Input, Invalid TArget identifier
INUP - Input, Non-null Unimplemented Parameter
IORD - Input, Out of Range Data
PICC - Privilege, Illegal Command Code
PIFC - Privilege, Illegal Field Code
PIUC - Privilege, Illegal User Code
PIUI - Privilege, Illegal User Identity
SARB - Status, All Resources Busy
SCNF - Status, Command Not Found
SDNR - Status, Data Not Ready
SROF - Status, Requested Operation Failed