125 Baja + Baja RR /
125 De Derapage RR
use and maintenance manual
example, wheeling, failing to respect the
speed limit etc).
Assess driving conditions:
- Visibility;
- Road conditions;
- Traffic;
- Presence or possible presence of pe-
Rule out and avoid obstacles that may
cause damage to the vehicle or lead to
loss of control of the vehicle.
- Respect and maintain all safety distanc-
- Always drive holding the steering wheel
with both hands, with your feet resting on
the driver’s footrests, i.e. In the proper
driving position.
- Pay maximum attention to the act of driv-
ing and to the traffic on the road.
- If the vehicle has been in an accident or
has been in a crash or fall, make sure the
command levers, the tubes, the cables,
the braking system, the wheels, the tyres
and all other parts are intact.
If the damage is persistent or if you are
uncertain of its conditions, take the car to
dealer, where the vehicle will be
tested and inspected.
Always report any case of malfunctioning
to make it easier for the technicians and/
or mechanics to solve the problem.
Do not drive or allow anyone to drive the
vehicle if the damage it has suffered is
compromising its safety.
- It is forbidden to carry out any modifica
tion to the vehicle.
Making modifications to the vehi
cle will result in warranty annulment.
- It is advisable to follow all national and
local laws and regulations regarding ve-
hicle equipment.
- It is forbidden to use the vehicle to race,
except for competitions in tracks set
apart for this purpose.
Permitted use
models are intended for use on the
road and off-road.
models are intended exclusively
for use on the road.
- Always wear and properly snap shut the
helmet, which must be approved accord-
ing to the laws in force in the country
where it is being used.
- It is advisable to wear protective gar-
ments in the event of falls, such as jack-
et, trousers, gloves, boots etc, suitable
for motorcycle use.
Do not wear exceedingly loose or abun-
dant garments or accessories, as they
may impair driving manoeuvres.
- Do not keep in your pockets any sharp
objects that could potentially cause harm
in a fall, such as:
- Keys;
- Pens;
- Glass containers etc.
This also applies to the passenger.
It is advisable to purchase and install origi-
nal accessories from a
Users are personally responsible for choos-
ing and installing accessories.
- Be prudent when loading luggage. Do
not overload.
- Maintain the luggage as close as possi-
ble to the barycentre of the vehicle.
- Distribute the load uniformly on both
sides to reduce imbalances.
- The load must be firmly anchored to the
- Never rest any loads on the handlebars,
swingarm or front mudguard.
- Exceedingly voluminous loads, or any-
thing that protrudes too much from the
limits of the vehicle, may cause crash-
es and therefore injury and damage to
animals or things and compromise the
stability of the vehicle, with dangerous