Appendix A: EMR3 Setup - Programming Tips
For Typical Single or Dual-head Installations with One IB
Head Address (Setup, non C&C -
ref. Figure 28 on page 26)
• The IB has to recognize that there are two heads and each is addressed
• Connect head 1 only and get it communicating with the IB. Power down,
disconnect the head 1 power lead in IB, connect the second head and
get it communicating. Assign this head SET HEAD ADDRS 2. Power
down and connect both heads. Upon power up you should not have an
IB comm failure. If you do have this error, power down and repeat this
Time Delays (Setup, non C&C -
ref. Figure 30 on page 28)
Increase TIME DELAYS to get screen and backlight to stay on longer. For
example, set it to 630 seconds. Set volume to 130 or higher. It is recom-
mended that you go back and reset volume to 30 after the setup is com-
Printer Option (Setup, non C&C -
ref. Figure 16 on page 18)
Enable printer so it is available for use (default is standard slip printer
Language and labels - defaults to
English, must select French
(C&C - ref. Figure 32 on page 30)
• Defaults to English, Gallons, Dollars.
• If French is selected, then all labels change to French.
• Note that for French the currency defaults are Euros, and the Euros
symbol will be on the ticket format.
Display Syntax (C&C - ref.
Figure 34 on page 32)
Defaults to tenths for volume. It is recommended that even if you want
whole you do calibrations in tenths, then switch to whole after calibrating.
Temperature (If Temperature
Compensation is desired)
• Temperature Compensation by
Density or Coefficient? (C&C -
ref. Figure 40 on page 36)
• Temperature - default is
Fahrenheit, need to change for
Celcisus (C&C - ref. Figure 35
on page 33)
• Change Reference Temperaure
from defaultof 15°C or 60°F?
(C&C - ref. Figure 36 on
page 33)
• Temperature calibration
Available only if temperature compensation option is installed in your dis-
play head! Also, temperature probe must be connected for temperature to
be available.
• Necessary to select for Product Setup (defaults to Density).
• Selection of temperature scale determines the reference temperature.
• Because asking about temperature scale, then at same time, ask if you
should change reference temperature.
• Use ice water bath as per manual, or a known temperature.