990 CLD Autoline™ Leak Detector
AFT 2/2/04
6. When the spectrometer tube pressure meter indicates two-thirds of the way down in
the green band (from right to left), move the FILAMENT switch on the secondary control
panel to the ON/AUTO position.
When the FILAMENT switch is in the ON/AUTO position, and the needle of the
spectrometer tube pressure gauge reaches two-thirds of the way down the green band,
the filament lights automatically.
If the FILAMENT lamp fails to light, change the position of the FILAMENT 1, FILAMENT
2 switch.
If changing the FILAMENT 1, FILAMENT 2 switch position has no effect, turn off the
MAIN POWER switch and check the connections to the ION SOURCE connector on
the rear panel of the controller.
If changing to FILAMENT 2 results in the FILAMENT lamp lighting, then it is possible
that Filament number 1 is burned out. Replace the ion source during the next
scheduled maintenance period.
7. Ensure that the LEAK RATE display reads upscale.
It the display does not read upscale:
Use the RANGE pushbuttons to select an appropriate scale.
Use the ZERO potentiometers on the front panel and on the secondary control panel
might require adjustment to obtain a reading.
If an upscale LEAK RATE reading cannot be obtained:
a. Turn off the MAIN POWER switch.
b. Check the connections to the PRE-AMP connector on the rear panel.
8. Check the tuning and calibration of the leak detector as described in “Tuning
Adjustments and Calibration Check” on page 3-4.
9. Check the functioning of equipment wired to the General l/O and SET POINT
If it is desired to use the SET POINT function of the leak detector, refer to “As-Required
Procedures” on page 3-8.
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