Setting up the IR and Video Camera Lanyard Shots
This phase of RoboTRAK configuration includes:
Loading the appropriate room/distance configuration
Viewing the IP stream from the RoboTRAK IR camera
Framing the IR camera's lanyard shot
Framing the video camera's lanyard shot
For the framing tasks and subsequent tuning, someone will need to wear the lanyard and move around in
the area where the presenter will normally be. In this manual, "the presenter" refers to anyone wearing a
lanyard in range of the camera.
Viewing the Stream from the IR Camera
You will need a stream viewer for this. Several stream viewing applications are available; some of us here
at Vaddio like VLC Media Player, which is available free of charge.
1. On the Streaming page, locate the address for the IR camera's RTSP stream.
2. Open a stream viewer and point it to the streaming URL.
What you see depends on what you are doing in the web interface. It also depends on the room itself.
Integrator's Complete Guide to the RoboTRAK Presenter Tracking System