Floor Screed Machine HD 50
departamento.té[email protected]
Tfno. + 34 96 570 29 82 Fax: + 34 96 570 29 83
Prior to transporting the machine
Check that the light bar works.
Check that the cover is properly closed.
In the model with hopper and shovel; the hopper must be securely chained. The shovel is
securely attached to the hopper.
Check the brakes and trailer equipment.
After 50 km retighten the wheel screws!
Additional maintenance every 40 hours of work or on a weekly basis
Take into account maintenance work described in previous sections and also the following:
Check the self regulating lubrication system: check to see if the amount of grease in the
receptacle is sufficient. Grease the machine at all lubrication points
damper, axles, valves, etc.)
Check and change all the belts if necessary.
Check the state of the hoses for upper and lower air. Clean or change if necessary the retention
Check the air filter and clean it if necessary
Check the tire pressure.
Check the state of the shovels and the wear plates on the vessel and change if required.
1º Service: 50 initial hours of operation
Carry out all the previous regular maintenance operations and in addition:
Change the motor oil (7 litres) and the oil filter.
Change the fuel filter.
The model with hopper and/or shovel; Change the hydraulic oil filter of the shovel or hopper
Check the air, oil and diesel system to ensure that there are no leaks and repair or replace
defective parts.
• Checks screws, and if necessary retighten them in particular the wheel screws.
Additional maintenance every 500 hours of operation or six monthly intervals
Take into account the maintenance work described in maintenance periods described above as well as
the following:
Check the battery and connections.
Clean the radiator (interior)
Change belts (reducer, alternator, fan)
Change upper and lower non return air valves if required.
Check the wear plates and the mixer blades of the vessel and change if necessary.
Clean the diesel tank filter
Change the fuel PVC filter.
Check the set of wheel bearings.
Change the seal on the vessel cover
Change the air filters and the interior cartridges.
Additional maintenance every 1000 hours of operation or once yearly
Take into account the maintenance work described in maintenance periods described above as well as
the following:
Change the oil in the reducer (3 litres SAE 680).
Check the compressor safety valve.