Unisight Digital Technologies
Playback Information Window
The Playback Information Window displays the current date, time, and CPU usage in
white on the top of the display. (Fig. 5-1) The channel number (Channel), video file size in Mb
(Size), video file length in seconds (Length), bandwidth in Mbps (Bandwidth), volume level
(Volume), playback speed (Speed) in green.
(Fig. 5-1)
Channel Grid
The channel grid contains the playback video. This is where you will see all of your
video recordings. You can select each channel by left-clicking on the desired grid square, this
will also activate the audio for that channel. There is a full screen mode that you can toggle
by clicking the right mouse button on the video feed.
Grid Layout
The arrangement of the Channel Grid is easily configured by 9 buttons. Hover your
mouse cursor over these buttons for a description of each of the layout buttons. (Fig. 5-2)
You can also zoom in and out by using the two buttons with the magnifying glass. To zoom in
select the
Zoom In
button. Place the cursor over the currently selected video channel and
left-click and drag a square around the area you want to zoom in on. To further zoom in
repeat the same process. You will reach a point at which you cannot zoom in any further. To
zoom out select the
Zoom Out
button. For each step that you zoomed in you must also
zoom out. If you zoomed in twice, you must zoom out twice.
(Fig. 5-2)
The calendar displays days that have recorded video footage in red, days with no video
footage are displayed in black. (Fig. 5-3) To change months use the single arrow buttons. To
change years use the blue double arrow buttons. To quickly change to the current day select