The JScript feature is legacy feature from the original MACTool which IndyTool is replacing.
The low level MacComDirect Library is used to execute these JScripts. IndyTool provides a
GUI interface to run these scripts. However, when IndyTool is installed, the MacComDirect is
registered in the system so that a JScript can be run outside the IndyTool application.
An example JScript is included in the installation directory as a sample. The example script is
called Example.js. The example will query and display the current MAC Error in a pop up box.
Disconnect Success
JScript Select File
JScript Run Begin
Script: C:\Program Files\IMPINJ\Impinj IndyTool v2.2.0\JScripts\Example.js
JScript Run Success
Serial Number: impinjserialnum01
MAC Version:
RFTrans Info: R1000 (000C00B0)
Host To MAC Interface: USB
Build Target: 1
Region: FCC (0)
Connect Success
The Profile menu is shown in the following figure.
The Profile menu has three profile functions:
1. Get the profile parameter information – The input is the Profile number.
2. Set a new active profile – The input is the Profile number.
3. Get the current active profile – There is no input to this function.
The Get profile function will display all the Gen2 RF profile information
Get Link
Profile Profile Number: 0
Configuration: 4
Identifier High: 0x00000001
Identifier Low: 0x00000000
Identifier Version: 0x443A8B29
Protocol: 0
R2T Mod Type: 0
Tari: 25000
X: 1
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