Tag Access
Selecting the Tag Access option presents the user with the configuration dialog shown in the
figure below.
Tag Access dialog box, Access Type Read selected
From the Tag Access dialog box, the user can perform many different access operations
against tags as follows.
Access Type Read
Selecting the Read Access Type option displays the configuration dialog shown in the
figure above.
From this dialog, the user can perform a read operation against tags and can provide
the following configurable parameters:
Memory Bank—the target for the read operation, has selectable values of either
the EPC, TID, User, or Reserved memory bank
Offset—the offset in hexadecimal of the first 16-bit word to read from the target
memory bank
Count—the number of 16-bit words to read, starting at Offset
Access Pwd—the previously applied access password for the target tag, or no
entry for tags with no access permissions
Output from read operations is directed to the primary application window.
Access Type Write
Selecting the Write Access Type option displays the configuration dialog shown in the
figure below.
Tag Access dialog box, Access Type Write selected
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