Serial Number: impinjserialnum01
RFTrans Info: R1000 (000C00B0)
Host To MAC Interface: USB
Build Target: 1
Region: FCC (0)
Connect Success
The Info Bar will be updated with the name of the connected Reader and the activated Host To
MAC interface.
Disconnect and Reset
The Disconnect Button will attempt to disconnect from the connected reader. The menus will
disappear and the unconnected state will be indicated. The Reset Button will attempt to reset
the connected reader and will also make the menus disappear.
Cancel and Abort
The Cancel and Abort Button will issue the respective command to Reader when executing a
MAC Command. The status window will indicate the issuing of the command and the reader
will respond accordingly.
IndyTool Functions
These sections describe the functions found in the visible menus when a reader is successfully
Register Access
The Register Access menu is shown in the following figure.
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