Average Value: The arithmetic mean over one cycle in the waveform
RMS Value (Vrms): Effective value, the root mean square voltage over one cycle in AC signal waveform that
corresponds toDC voltage with equal generated energy calculated in this cycle.
Figure 6-21 Time Measurement
The time parameters the Oscilloscope can automatically measure contain:
RiseTime: The time required to rise from 10% to 90% of waveform amplitude.
FallTime: The time required to fall from 90% to 10% of waveform amplitude.
Positive Pulse Width (+Width):
The distance between the mid (50%) amplitude points of a positive pulse.
Negative Pulse Width (-Width):
The distance between the mid (50%) amplitude points of a negative pulse.
Rising Delay: The delay time between rising edges from A to B
Falling Delay: The delay time between falling edges from A to B
Positive Duty Cycle (+Duty): the ratio of positive pulse width to the period.
Negative Duty Cycle (-Duty): the ratio of negative pulse width to the period.
6.8 Recording and Storage
6.8.1 Recording
Press RECORD button to open waveform record menu. There are two independent menus shown as
UTD1000L User Manual