a. drag waveform cursor to adjust the vertical position of the waveform; drag the trigger position cursor
to adjust the trigger position.
b. click the channel to switch turn on/off the current channel
c. user mouse wheel to adjust the amplitude volts/div in the channel
d. user mouse wheel to adjust the timebase scale in timebase position (M)
e. click left/right slid in the blank to adjust the preset trigger position; click the trigger delay to move the
preset position to the center of the screen.
f. click menu to adjust the setting option directly
The internet setting information of the oscilloscope, as shown in Figure 13-3.
Figure 13-3
(2) Access Outer Network
a. Plug the network cable into the oscilloscope and the network can be access internet
b. Open frp proxy service on the server
c. Configure the oscilloscope frp proxy IP and port
d. The browser can access the proxy IP:9000 port, and the access interface LAN is consistent.
This oscilloscope uses frp intranet penetration way to achieve external network access. frp use version
is 0.34.0. This machine with frp-0.34.0 client, it need use with the server, the server needs to open frp
server, the client connects to the frp server port is 7000, so the server needs to configure bind_port =