It can set the CAN trigger condition to start frame, data frame, remote frame, error frame, overload
frame, identifier, data, ID and data, end of frame, loss confirmed and bit stuff error.
a. Start Frame: the oscilloscope will generate waveform trigger on start frame.
b. Data Frame
the oscilloscope will be generate on data frame match with CAN signal.
Remote Frame
it will be generated on remote frame.
d. Error Frame
the oscilloscope will be generated on error frame of CAN signal.
e. Overload Frame
the oscilloscope will be generated on overload frame of CAN signal.
the oscilloscope will be generated on data frame that matches the specified ID.
g. Data
the oscilloscope will be generated on data frame that matches the specified ID. //
data frame
and remote frame have ID, data frame has data, remote frame has no data.
h. ID and Data
the oscilloscope will be generated on data frame that matches the specified ID.
End of Frame
it will be generated on the end of frame of CAN signal.
Loss Confirmed
it will be generated on loss confirmed of CAN signal.
Bit stuff error
in the segment that requires bit filling, the waveform will be triggered when continuous
detect the error from the same level of 6 bits.
(4) ID Setting
It can be set when trigger condition is “Identifier” or “ID and data”, it can set frame format, ID and
a. Frame Format: it can set “standard format, extension format”, ID value range of different frame
format is different.
b. ID: set the ID value, which can set to 000~7FF, 00000000~1FFFFFFF.
c. Direction:
Write: It will be generated when the “read/write” bit of the CAN protocol is “write”.
Read: It will be generated when the “read/write” bit of the CAN protocol is “read”.
Write or Read:
It will be generated the “read/write” bit of the CAN protocol is “write or read”.
(5) Data Setting
It can be set when trigger condition is “data” or “ID and data”, it can set length of byte and data.
a. Length of byte: set the byte number of data to be triggered, which can set to 1~8.
b. Data: set the data to be triggered, the settable data byte is related with byte value, which can set
(6) Bit Rate (bps)
Select the bit rate of CAN bus serial data, which can set to 10k, 20k, 25k, 31.25k, 3.3k, 37k, 50k,
62.5k, 68.266k, 83.3k, 92.238k, 100k, 125k, 153k, 250k, 400k, 500k, 800k, 1M and user-defined.
User-defined can input custom bit rate value.