7.18 LIN Trigger
(1) Information Source
The information source which is select CAN protocol trigger source, CH1 and CH2 can be selected.
The current selected source will displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
(2) Polarity
Set the polarity if input signal, which can set to normal (high=1), reverse (high=0).
(3) Version
Version can set to v1.x, v2.x and random.
(4) Bit Rate
Set the bit rate of LIN protocol, which can set to 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k, 10.417k, 19.2k and user-
defined. User-defined can input custom bit rate value.
(5) ID include parity bit
It can set to yes or
no. when “yes” is selected, the parity bit and ID is included; “no” is not include.
(6) Trigger Condition
It can set the LIN trigger condition to synchronization, identifier, data, ID and data, wake-up frame,
sleep frame and error.
a. Synchronization: the oscilloscope will be generated when detect the synchronizing signal.
b. Identifier
the oscilloscope will be generated when detect ID is equal to the setting frame.
c. Data: Waveform will be generated when the sampled data by LIN protocol is in accord with user
setting data. It can help to find the specific data of transmission signal quickly that interest to user.
d. ID and Data: the oscilloscope will be generated when detect ID is equal to the setting frame.
e. Wake-up Frame: the oscilloscope will be generated on wake-up frame of signal.
f. Sleep Frame: the oscilloscope will be generated on sleep frame of signal.
g. Error Frame: the oscilloscope will be generated on error frame of LIN signal, which includes
synchronizing error, ID parity error and checksum error.
(7) ID Setting
It can be set when trigger condition is “identifier” or “ID and data”, ID can be set.
a. ID: set the ID value
When ID include parity check is set to “yes”, ID range can set to 00~FF.
When ID include parity check is set to “no”, ID range can set to 00~3F.
(8) Data Setting
It can be set when trigger condition is “Data” or “ID and data”, it can set length of byte and data.
a. Length of byte: set the byte number of data to be triggered, which can set to 1~8.
b. Data: set the data to be triggered, which can set to 00~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.