(6) Detecting Mode
The detecting mode is to set the way to display the sampling points of the raw data after FFT
operation. The display mode can be set to normal, average, maximum hold and minimum hold.
The sampling point mode can be set to + peak, - peak, average and interval, as shown in Figure
Figure 14-2
Display Mode
a. Normal: the spectrum waveform displays all sampled values, the corresponding spectrum
waveform is displayed in red color.
b. Average: the spectrum waveform displays the average value by sampling point in time interval,
the corresponding spectrum waveform is displayed in green color.
Average time: set the number of times of the average calculation, when the average spectrum is
enabled, the number of times can be set in the range of 2~512. The larger the number, the
smoother the average spectrum.
c. Maximum hold: the spectrum waveform displays the maximum value among the multiple
sampling data, and the corresponding spectrum waveform is displayed in blue.
d. Minimum hold: the spectrum waveform displays the minimum value among the multiple sampling
data, and the corresponding spectrum waveform is displayed in gray.
Sampling Point Mode
a. OFF: turn off the detection display
b. + Peak: take the maximum value within the range of each sampling point.
– Peak: take the minimum value within the range of each sampling point.
d. Average: take the average value within the range of each sampling point.
e. Interval: perform sampling in the same time interval.
Reset trace: fresh every spectrum data
a detection trace must be displayed in detecting mode
(7) Spectrum Marker
To mark the point in spectrum and display frequency value and voltage value. Mark mode: off,
auto, threshold and manual. The default setting is off.