Table of Contents
Follow these steps to use Balloon Help:
Pull down the Guide menu (marked with the ? icon) and
choose Show Balloons.
Point to any object on the screen that you want to iden-
tify. A balloon appears next to the object. Point to the
Trash, for example, to display a balloon that explains
how to throw items away.
Although balloons appear next to items when you point to them,
the way you work does not change; you can still select icons,
choose commands, and so on.
When you’re finished using Balloon Help, choose Hide
Balloons from the Guide menu.
Not all applications support balloon help. If a balloon does not
appear next to the object to which you are pointing, either that
object does not have a help balloon or the application does not
support balloon help.
Learning Useful Shortcuts
You can perform many tasks in the Finder more quickly if you use
keyboard or mouse shortcuts. For example, instead of clicking an icon
and choosing Open from the File menu, you can double-click the icon
to open it.